Principal Investigators

Leonidas G Bachas

Dean, College of Arts and Sciences

(305) 284-4021
Leonidas G. Bachas joined the University of Miami as dean of the College of Arts and Sciences in July 2010. A distinguished analytical and biological chemist, Bachas was formerly the Frank J. Derbyshire Professor of Chemistry at the University of Kentucky and chair of its Department of Chemistry. Bachas’s tenure at Kentucky was marked...

Jean Pierre Bardet

Vice Provost for Strategic Projects

(305) 284-8625
Jean-Pierre Bardet joined the Office of the Provost in June 2019. As the Vice Provost for Strategic Projects he led key industry collaborations with the University of Miami; these partnerships encourage the advancing of innovation and interdisciplinary projects across departments. He previously served as dean of the College of Engineering at UM....

Emrah Celik

Associate Professor

(305) 284-9364
Thermoelectricity, Additive Manufacturing, Nanotechnology, Microfluidics, Solid Mechanics and Numerical Simulation.

Joshua L Cohn

Senior Associate Dean for Research and Graduate Education

(305) 284-4036
My research involves measuring low-temperature electronic, magnetic, and thermal properties of novel materials that manifest interesting physics and show some potential to be useful in future electronic devices. These physical properties measurements, like electrical conductivity, thermal conductivity, and thermoelectricity, involve attaching...

Courtney M Dumont

Asst. Professor

Courtney Dumont received her PhD in Biomedical Engineering at Rensselaer in 2014 under the mentorship of Deanna Thompson while studying the effects of endothelial hemodynamics on neural stem cell fate, and her BS at Rensselaer in 2009. Dr. Dumont performed her postdoctoral research under the mentorship of Lonnie Shea at the Univeristy of...

Massimiliano Galeazzi

Chairman of Department of Physics

(305) 284-7141
Astronomical object emit, in general, at all wavelength, not just visible light. Moreover, there are specific objects, such as Black Holes and Supernovae, that emit primarily in X-rays. X-rays, such as the ones used in radiography, are similar to visible light, but with wavelength 1000 times shorter. My work involves the construction of X-ray...

Leslie D Knecht

Senior Lecturer

(305) 284-2594
Dr. Knecht is from Eastern Kentucky. She received a Bachelor’s Degree in Biology and Chemistry at the University of Kentucky in 2006 before completing her Ph.D. in Bioanalytical Chemistry at the University of Miami under the mentorship of Dr. Sylvia Daunert. She joined the University of Miami Department of Chemistry as a Lecturer in...

Marc R Knecht

Department of Chemistry, Chair

(305) 284-9351
Research in the Knecht Group focuses on the use of biological macromolecules to construct nanomaterials for specifically targeted applications. These applications include catalysis, self-assembly, detection, and materials design. We use a wide variety of biological, chemical, and material synthetic strategies to design and engineer specific...

Francisco Raymo


(305) 284-2639
My current research program combines chemical synthesis, spectroscopic analysis and fluorescence microscopy with the ultimate goal of developing chemical probes for imaging and sensing applications.

Alice Tomei

Associate Professor

(305) 243-3469
Dr. Tomei is an Associate Professor in the departments of Biomedical Engineering, Immunology and Surgery and the director of the Islet Immunoengineering Laboratory at the Diabetes Research Institute (DRI) at the University of Miami Millers School of Medicine. She is applying her unique background in bioengineering and immunology to develop novel...

Fulin Zuo


(305) 284-7114
My research interests are twofold. One is in the studies of new phenomena of novel materials, especially low dimensional materials such as the cuprate and organic superconductors, meso and nano-magnetic materials by probing experimentally their transport and magnetic properties. These experiments are usually carried out as a function of...
